Sowers Glass Engraving
Sowers Glass Engraving store hours

Sowers Glass Engraving

4616 Clyde Morris Blvd. Port Orange, FL 32129
Call us 386-761-4527
Open Mon. - Fri. 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Closed Sat Sun and Holidays
Open Mon - Fri 10-6, Custom Wine, Crystal and Metal Engraving - Yeti Stanley and RTIC - Knives

Personalized Engraved Memorials

All of our Memorials are created for the individual

Memorials for loved ones are a lasting tribute to those we have loved and lost. This lasting sentiment represents how much they are still loved and missed. We can engrave a variety of items as a memorial to your love one.

Personalized Engraved MemorialPersonalized Engraved memorial

Engraved memorial for George
Matt was a friend of my daughters. We Engraved this Memorial for his parents.

Each memorial is engraved with great care. Here we are showing the front and back of the memorial.

Personalized Engraved photo memorialPersonalized Engraved memorial

We engraved the dates on the sides.

Personalized Engraved photo memorialPersonalized Engraved memorial

Each memorial is engraved with great care.

This Engraved Memorial was A Tribute to life for Chris, loved to fish

Personalized Memorials

Personalized Engraved memorialPersonalized Engraved memorial

Engraved Memorials You can tell that Brian loved music.
Personalized Engraved Memorial Voice

Here's an engraved memorial for JoAnn Woodward.

Pet Memorials

Personalized Engraved pet memorialPersonalized Engraved Memorial frame

Pet Memorial for a wooden urn

Pet Memorial Engraved Frame for Pet Memorial

Personalized Engraved Memorial ArchPersonalized Engraved cross memorial ornament

Custom engraved Angel Memorial Ornament

Custom Personalized Engraved cross memorial ornament

Personalized Engraved Memorial ArchPersonalized Engraved memorial Christmas from heaven ornament

Custom engraved Arched Memorial

Custom engraved Christmas from Heaven Ornament

We offer many different styles of Memorials that we customize to meet your needs.
We also offer thousands of designs that can be added, for a additional charge, along with text, to our personalized engraved memorials.

Business Hours
Open Mon - Fri 10 - 6 pm
Christmas Hours
Open Mon. - Fri. 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Closed Sat Sun and Holidays

Hello!  If you have questions, use any of our contact information below to reach us.
During normal business hours, you can reach us by phone and email.
Phone 386-761-4527
On weekends and evenings, it is best to send an email, and we can answer you quickly. If you reach our answering machine, we will return your call by the next business day.

Please email Sherrie Sowers at
for any questions or comments about our engraving.
Custom Engraving is our Speciality.

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YouTube Santa's Workshop by Sowers Glass Engraving

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