Artwork File Guidelines:
We accept electronic art may be e-mailed to or submitted on CD etc.
• Vector Black & White Line Art (no gray scale, color, or halftones)
• file formats (.eps, ai 5.5, .PDF .WMD or .SVG)
You may submit camera ready black and white print, however this type of art will incur the $45 art charge.
• Some high resolution Bitmap file formats will work such as, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, or GIF, but only after assessed by our art department.
• Images embedded inside of Word documents are not acceptable art.
• Convert all fonts to outlines/curves before sending.
Vector vs. Raster Art
Raster images, (or jpg images), are made up of pixels, or square boxes that compose the image. When re sizing or editing this type of image, distortion occurs that causes blurriness and loss of detail. Since these must be at high resolution for printing, they tend to be rather large files, which makes them hard to send electronically. Vector images are actually plotted mathematically to create a clean, crisp line. When vectors are re sized, there is no distortion and they are also best for editing purposes, especially with multi-color images. These files are much smaller and easier to send electronically. See the examples below of vector and jpg images.
Submitted artwork will automatically be re sized to max size unless otherwise noted. Requested type styles will be matched as closely as possible, but exact match cannot be guaranteed. We will use our best judgment for layout, size, type style and location of engraving.
Orders containing logos or graphics must be accompanied with clean black and white vector artwork. Artwork submitted in gray scale or color may incur an art charge. Any art that does not satisfy Expressions Engraved's artwork guidelines will incur an art charge. When art does not conform to our artwork guidelines the minimum art charge is $45.00.
Our company maintains a large database of thousands of standardized company logos and artwork files. In some cases we may already have your logo on file in the format we need. Alterations are sometimes necessary to make a logo appear clean and legible when processed. Failing to make these minor changes will result in a poor quality etch that does not meet Expressions Engraved's quality standards. These moderate but necessary alterations will be done as part of our FREE set-up service.
Type styles:
If your layout contains copy, please let us know if you have a font preference.
We provide two free proofs in our award pricing. There is an additional charge of $10 per proof after that.
The top two samples are vector art.
I created this from the jpg heart below.
Notice how smooth the edges are.
Below are samples of jpg type of art or photo. Yes I can use these to create your art work as show above, but I do have to charge for the time it takes to create the are work.
If you have any questions you can contact us at the following page:
Sowers Glass Engraving is located in Port Orange, Florida. Check out our map page we have included a google map so you can find us if you live in Port Orange, Daytona Beach, Edgewater, Palm Coast, New Smyrna Beach, Ormond Beach, Deland, Deltona, or Orange City, Florida.