Sowers Glass Engraving
Sowers Glass Engraving - Personalized Engraved X-Factor Gift and more

Sowers Glass Engraving

4616 Clyde Morris Blvd. Port Orange, FL 32129
Call us 386-761-4527
Open Mon. - Fri. 10:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Closed Sat Sun and Holidays
Open Mon - Fri 10-6, Custom Wine, Crystal and Metal Engraving - Yeti Stanley and RTIC - Knives

Sowers Glass Engraving engraves on Your Stuff

Unusual and different Engraved Items are our Speciality

These are just a few items that our customers have brought in to be engraved. We will personalized your glassware, and so much more. Your engraving will be handled in-house by Jeff and Sherrie Sowers, experienced engravers.

At Sowers, we have are more than happy to engrave on items that you bring into our store. We've engraved knives, mirrors, champagne glasses, watches, and so much more. Take a look.

Personalized Engraved frame engraved for x-factor Alex and SierraPersonalized Engraved growler

This Christmas we had an incredible opportunity. A relative of Alex & Sierra who won X- Factor, brought in a couple of picture frames that they wanted to give them as a Christmas gift. They had some of the confetti form the night of the win and were going to put that in the frame. Instead of just engraving " X-Factor 2013 Alex & Sierra" I created the engraving above. Congratulations to Alex and Sierra!

Another item we engraved for Christmas was a "Growler". This growler was custom engraved for Keith and Amanda for a wedding gift.

Personalized Engraved frame engraved for x-factor Alex and SierraPersonalized Engraved growler

This "Beer Growler" also has a metal handle made for it. Makes it look and feel fancy

This beer growler was unique it has a resealable.

Personalized Engraved frame engraved for x-factor Alex and Sierra Personalized Engraved growler

This "Beer Growler" was custom engraved with a company logo

Personalized Engraved swordPersonalized Engraved knives by Circle S Knives>

This sword was engraved for a guy that travels all over the world.
These knives are made by a local man. He calls his company Circle S Knives

Personalized Engraved Chef KnivesPersonalized Engraved mirrors for ERAU

We engraved a Customers Chef Knives for Chef Mati

Beside the knives is an engraved Mirror for ERAU Xi Beta Chapter. These custom engraved mirrors were engraved for a club event. We Engraved 50 of these Mirrors

Engraving custom logos is our speciality.

Personalized Engraved knivescustom logo engraving

We engraved another customers Chef Knives for Sharon owner of Moose Kisses a local catering business
Here's Moose Kisses logo close up

Personalized Engraved wine glass with greek lettersCustomers platter that we Engraved

Engraved Greek letters are also available
Customers Platter that we Engraved

Personalized Engraved swordPersonalized Engraved Sword close up

We engraved a Customers Sword. We engrave these for Riverbend Academy
Close up of Customers Sword we engraved

We can engrave watches and spatulas

Personalized Engraved watch bandPersonalized Engraved spatular

A customer brought in the watch band to have it be engraved

A customer brought in the spatula to have it be engraved

Personalized Engraved customers stemless wine glassPersonalized Engraved customers US Coast Guard mirror

This was a Customers stemless wine glass engraved for a 40th birthday. Old wine and friends improve with age. We Engraved 30 of these stemless wine glasses for a 40th birthday celebration
Close up of Customers Mirror we engraved for BMC Hornby

Below is a HUGH flask that a customer brought in.

Personalized Engraved super sized flaskPersonalized Engraved Super sized Flask

Customers Super sized Flask
and a Close up of the Super sized Flask

customers snap on wrench engravedPersonalized custom engraved wrench

Custom retirement Snap on Tools
Custom engraved wrench

Customers Stuff we have custom engraved

customers Super sized FlaskPersonalized Engraved engraved activator

This is a customers travel mug
Here's an activator we engraved for Dr. M

Engraved Urns - Yes, we engrave on urns.

Personalized Engraved urnPersonalized Engraved urn

Customers urns that we Engraved
Customers heart shaped urn that we Engraved

Thank you for browsing our web pages

Business Hours
Open Mon - Fri 10 - 6 pm
Christmas Hours
Open Mon. - Fri. 10:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Closed Sat Sun and Holidays

Hello!  If you have questions, use any of our contact information below to reach us.
During normal business hours, you can reach us by phone and email.
Phone 386-761-4527
On weekends and evenings, it is best to send an email, and we can answer you quickly. If you reach our answering machine, we will return your call by the next business day.

Please email Sherrie Sowers at
for any questions or comments about our engraving.
Custom Engraving is our Speciality.

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Military Veteran

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A YouTube engraved whiskey glasses by Sowers Glass Engraving
YouTube Santa's Workshop by Sowers Glass Engraving

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